duminică, 24 noiembrie 2013

Thinking of Ink


En: Given that I'm really busy with exams (gotta hold on for 3 more days), I'll leave you with some Sunday inspiration. I've been thinking of tattoos for years and I narrowed it down to a few favorites, but still haven't taken the plunge yet. I love to look at them anyway and I'll think some more about getting my own (it's such a permanent decision and I'm scared I might get bored with it or outgrow it, so gotta think some more...). How about you? Do you have any? What's your favorite

Ro: Avand in vedere ca sunt in mijlocul sesiunii (da, ultimul an de medicina e la fel de greu ca si pana acum, in naivitatea mea am sperat ca va fi ceva mai usor...) si mai am cateva zile de invatat intens pana la ultimul examen, m-am gandit ca niste inspiratie de duminica nu strica. Mi-a trecut prin cap la un moment dat sa imi fac un tatuaj (unul mic si relativ ferit de priviri) si ma tot gandesc de vreo 5 ani fara sa iau vreo hotarare. In tot timpul asta am adunat cateva imagini care imi plac mult cu fete tatuate in fel si chip si m-am gandit sa le impartasesc.Voi ce parerea aveti despre tatuaje? Aveti vreunul? Care e preferatul vostru?


miercuri, 20 noiembrie 2013

Run and Buy: Plaid Scarves

Casual Autumn Look fash-n-chips
 Image via fash-n-chips.com

En: Yes, I know plaid prints are everywhere, no breaking news here! But I really like this more subtle take on the trend: a basic look and a plaid scarf, it's very now and very chic. I already bought one and I'm dying to wear it, but in case you're into it, too, I created a plaid scarf collage below, just pick your favorite!

Ro: Da, stiu ca acest imprimeu tartan e peste tot, in toate formele. Si pentru ca ce e prea mult strica, m-am gandit ca abordarea asta mai discreta a trendului e de mare efect: o tinuta basic + o esarfa cu imprimeul sezonului = foarte chic si foarte actual. Bineinteles, ca de fiecare data cand ma bantuie cate un gand din asta, am plecat la cautare de esarfe si am gasit una draguta la Kenvelo (urmeaza o tinuta cu ea in curand). In caz ca v-a prins si pe voi,am facut mai jos un colaj cu mai multe variante de esarfe pe care le puteti achizitiona online:

Plaid Scarves

luni, 18 noiembrie 2013

Loving COS


En: This is one of my favorite outfits. Mainly beacuse I'm wearing my striped Cos t-shirt (the best I ever had) and you can never go wrong with a striped top, especially if it's a high quality fabric and paired to beige/brown. Now my only regret is that it will be a while till I get another Cos anything since they don't have a store in my country :(

Ro: Cred ca asta e una din tinutele mele preferate, indeosebi pentru ca port tricoul in dungi de la Cos (care e perfect) si cred ca niciodata nu poti sa dai gras cu un astfel de tricou, mai ales daca e dintr-un material de foarte buna calitate si purtat cu haine in nuante de bej/maro. Singurul meu regret e ca va mai dura o vreme pana o sa mai reusesc sa imi iau ceva de la Cos din moment ce in Romania noastra nu exista niciun magazin :( 


I was wearing: coat - Otto Hermann, similar HERE; cardigan - Pull&Bear; t-shirt - COS, similar HERE ; pants - Calvin Klein; glitter flats- Dune, similar HERE; bag - vintage Louis Vuitton.

Tinuta alcatuita din: palton - Otto Hermann, asemanator AICI; cardigan - Pull&Bear; tricou - COS, asemanator AICI pantaloni - Calvin Klein; balerini - Dune, asemanatori AICI ; geanta- vintage Louis Vuitton.

sâmbătă, 16 noiembrie 2013

Crush: Michael Kors Bedford Gusset Crossbody Bag


En: I've been looking for a black crossbody bag for ages when I came across this Michael Kors in an outlet. It was a lucky find and we've been unseparable since. I think every girl needs a little black bag and I'm curious: what's yours?
If you're crushing on the Micael Kors, too, you can get it here, here or here!

Ro: Cautam o geanta mica, neagra de secole cand am dat peste magazinul Michael Kors intr-un outlet. Si am gasit-o! Si a mea a fost! Si s-a dovedit o investitie extrem de utila caci merge oricand si cu orice. Cred ca fiecare fata are nevoie de o astfel de gentuta si o puteti cumpara de aiciaici sau aici!


luni, 4 noiembrie 2013

Mom Jeans?

En: Never have I thought I'd be so into mom jeans, but this girl really has me sold on them. So I had to take action (read search through thrift shops like a maniac) and I found a decent pair, but I'm still looking for the perfect ones. In case you feel like ordering a pair right now, you can get Victoria's pair HERE!

Ro: Nu mi-am imaginat nicioadata ca o sa ajung asa de entuziasmata de jeansii de pe vremea mamei, dar fata asta m-a convins ca am neaparata nevoie de o pereche. Asa ca mi-am petrecut ultima saptamana prin second hand-uri si desi am gasit o pereche acceptabila (albasrtru inchis), inca mai trag speranta ca voi gasi jeansii perfecti (aceeasi culoare ca cei de mai jos). In caz ca va tenteaza si pe voi, puteti sa comandati o pereche identica cu a Victoriei AICI!


sâmbătă, 2 noiembrie 2013

Interiors: White Furniture


En: Because it's Saturday and really gloomy and cold outside (that means no outfit photos today), let's fantasize together about this crisp white interiors. My bedroom is white, with a splash of purple, but the rest of my place is pretty colorful. Anyway, I find these photos both beautiful and inspiring and I'm also curious about you and your interiors: white or colorful?

Ro: Pentru ca e o sambata mohorata si friguroasa la Cluj (deci fara poze narcisiste cu mine si ale mele outfituri), hai sa visam impreuna la o locuinta complet alba. Dormitorul meu are mobila alba (cu un strop de mov) si imi place la nebunie, dar restul apartamentului e destul de colorat. Totusi, fotografiile aproape ma fac sa imi doresc redorarea livingul in alb. Dar sunt curioasa si de preferintele voastre in ceea ce priveste designul interior: alb sau colorat?


Images via my Pinterest - HERE!